Central Nebraska Orthopedics
  • Grand Island, NE, USA




Central Nebraska Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, PC is located in Grand Island, NE.  Just over an hour drive to Lincoln, NE and in the heart of premier outdoor recreation and hunting terrain.  Just a six hour drive to Denver for the mountain and ski enthusiast. 

This independent private orthopedic practice seeks to employ an exemplary general orthopedic or fellowship trained surgeon to practice in and around central Nebraska.  It has been some years since this community actively recruited orthopedic specialists as the stability and opportunity of this environment are unmatched.  With the pending retirement of two surgeons over the next two years, the income potential is unrivaled. 

Nebraska, with low unemployment, a diverse employer/ payer mix and tort reform offers the ideal environment for specialists to practice. This private practice has enjoyed a strong relationship with the full service hospital, St. Francis Medical Center and all associated physicians have invested in the Grand Island Surgical Center located on an adjacent property to the newly constructed medical office.  This location offers state of the art MRI, X-Ray and ultrasound technology, Electronic Medical Records (NextGen), and Meaningful Use, PQRS, eRx, MIPS mandates have been fully adopted (resulting in increased reimbursement from government payers).

Practice alongside an experienced group of 5 board certified general orthopedic and sports medicine specialists.  Call is 1:5 or 6 days per month with additional compensation paid for every call day.  CNO offers an attractive benefits package and a potential pathway to partnership after successful completion of the initial employment period.

For more information, please contact:

Tim Klemme, MGA, CMPE

Office Administrator, (o) 308-398-2812 (c) 402-515-6358

[email protected] or visit us online at www.cnorthopedics.com