The Program on Health and Clinical Informatics, in collaboration with the Departments of Orthopedics and Radiology, seeks outstanding faculty candidates with a focus in clinical informatics. This candidate will be expected to help build a premier program in clinical informatics research in the area of musculoskeletal science, imaging, care, innovation and discovery. Newly recruited faculty members are expected to play an active role in campus-wide collaborations in teaching, mentoring, and research initiatives in clinical informatics, as well as helping to build a robust clinical informatics research community and contributing to the overall School of Medicine clinical informatics roadmap. We also expect that faculty recruited under this mechanism will ultimately obtain independent funding as a principal or co-investigator on research grants and contracts.
The Departments of Orthopaedics and Radiology have a long standing history of collaborations in clinical care of patients, education, mentorship and research. Orthopaedic Research at UNC is a rapidly expanding program with strong support from department leadership and collaborators to grow basic science in our labs and clinical research at the point of care in our clinics. The department of Radiology has strong faculty support and leadership in clinical, basic science and translational research. The department supports cross-disciplinary imaging research through the Biomedical Research Imaging Center and has a strong core of faculty and collaborators in the area of informatics. Both departments share the mission of excellence in providing the best care to patients, exemplary training for students and being widely visible as leaders through research, discovery and innovation.
This is an open rank recruitment to include fixed term, variable track, and/or tenure/tenure track appointments.